The Cookie Chronicle

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

My Ode to Whatserface!

Hello peoples! This shall be my "Ode to Whatserface." And by "Whatserface," I mean Jesyka/Jorsika/Jorsi/Jessie Poo... the list goes on... But anyways, what I'm trying to say is that I'm making this my Ode to her. Don't make me say it again!!

Ok, so in ode to her, I'm replicating her latest blog in "Brooke-Style." Yeayah! Here it goes:

1. Brooke
This is that cute but quiet girl you'll see sitting next to you in your Literary History class (a.k.a. ENGL 3701). She hardly ever talks except when provoked and/or she has an epiphany about something... but that rarely happens... so don't count on it.

2. Brookie the Cookie
She comes out at night when everyone's asleep... she'll steal your food, your blanket... and your heart! Brookie the Cookie is crazy to the core, and loves dressing up in crazy costumes such as a mental patient from the 80's. But don't worry, she'll bring you along for the ride!

3. G-Wad
This hunk o' junk is a total Guy's Guy if you know what I'm sayin'. She'll party hearty, boogie down, and belch at the dinner table. Just don't get her riled up or she might have to bust a move on your butt!

4. Brooksie Poo
What a sweet-heart! Need I say more?

5. The Brookinator
Nobody is really quite sure what The Brookinator is really like, seeing as she's always comin' up with somethin' new.

6. Twinkle Twirl
Many of you may not even know this, but Brooke is in fact a My Little Pony named Twinkle Twirl. She's pink, purple, and orange... and you know what that means: Total Cutsie Pootsie Insanity! Awwww!


  • So now I'm just "some girl" to you? Is that all our friendship means to you? Ok, Ok, it's true! Love the blog! You rock my world mental patient!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:57 PM  

  • ummm...brookinator...that duck is NOT gonna fit in the pond. I'm sorry to break the news to ya!

    ps--i had to do an eight letter word verification to post this comment. That is crossing the line!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:37 PM  

  • But in whatever incarnation she chooses to appear, she is amazing.

    By Blogger Melissa, at 10:49 AM  

  • I believe the correct term is "Brookstinator". That's my theory and I'm stickin' to it. Take it or leave it bucko.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:08 PM  

  • But brooskie, you forgot to mention the "movie" brooke, and also the "i'm talkin' 'You Tube'" maybe i'd suggest adding those in, but it's up to you! You're not mental, you're just special!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:10 PM  

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