The Cookie Chronicle

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I'm a Sickie Poo!

A hoo! A hoo! A hoo!!

In case you haven't heard the news, I'm officially a Sickie Poo. It came suddenly on Sunday evening: a scratchy throat and a feeling of dismay. Monday morning was just too much to bear. I simply could not breathe, I couldn't stop tossing and turning in my sleep, my head felt swollen, and I sounded like a frog. I was sick. To make things better, I didn't wake up until about 10 am, which means that I missed both my classes for the day. Yay for me. I just wandered around the house, crying because I was all alone and I didn't have anyone there to take care of me and bring me water and medicines and such. I called in sick, which was nice because I got the opportunity to view my favoritest "The Little Mermaid" which I recently purchased from one Best Buy due to its re-release onto DVD format. I also watched some "Friends" episodes which put me to sleep. Then the best part of my day arrived: around eight, Scott brought me a dozen pink roses, cookies, and a Subway sandwich, made just the way I liked it. We then went to the local library for some browsing fun and then just went back to my house where we just talked until Mr. Nazi Pants asked him to leave at 10. This morning (Tuesday) I actually felt a lot better until I got to my classes... let's just say that as the day wore on, I felt worse and worse-- even to the point of staring blankly at a tile on the floor for 23 minutes of my Shakespeare class. I dragged myself into work this evening around 5, where I started training at Customer Service. So if you ever need to return something, you know where to go! They actually let me leave early (around 8:15), which means that I didn't have to close at all! I've pretty much wasted my entire extra hour or so by gossipping with Kendra about Bingham High School drama, and putting on twenty sweaters so I don't freeze to death. Oh yes, that's another one of my lovely symptoms: I'm colder than cold 24/7. So if you'd like to send me more cookies (since I've almost finished off this entire bag) or a sweater, feel free to do so whenever you like. Just do it before I'm dead. Well, have a great day!


  • Well, it's a good thing your coming to Iceland if you're cold all the time. However, if you bring your swim trunks you can dip into the sweet hot tub just outside our apartment! "Remember those four amazing hours in the hot tub after winter formal? This is so much better than that!" Sorry, it just came out. lol I'm super duper wuper excited to see you tomorrow! Oh, and guess what?!!! I got accepted to the ELED program today! Woohoo!
    ps--congrats on blogging! I loved the sight of a new entry~

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:39 PM  

  • whoa, you blogged. i thought you were dead. seriously.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:39 PM  

  • a nonni mouse?
    please tell me i'm not crazy?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:16 AM  

  • you're not crazy

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:18 PM  

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