The Cookie Chronicle

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A Lot Lost, A Lot Gained

Dear Friends and Family and Strangers,

As it is nearing the dreaded Finals Season, I would like to report my incredible weight-loss status before the stress and chocolate binging officially set in. I, Brooke Jenson, over these past three and a half months, have lost a grand total of 34 pounds. I have dropped nearly 6 pant sizes, one bra cup size (sad!), and many many inches all around. My current weight: 155.4. Now please picture the beautiful, smaller version of me if in case anything should happen during these dreadful finals that makes me freak out, drop acid, hijack a schoolbus full of penguins, and gain 20 pounds. And no, I don't want your two dollars. But I could use a new wardrobe...

So if you're looking to donate a whole bunch of clothes to the Brooke-Clothing Fund, please dial 1-800-Brooker or send cash, check, or money orders in various amounts to the cute girl writing this post. (PS. I need a new skirt.) Only $29.95 Down, and only $20 a month! It's as cheap as free!!! Don't delay, order yours today! This offer will only be good for the next 13 minutes! Don't change that dial!

Anyways, I'm being serious now. I really must say I'm proud of myself for actually going and doing what I needed to do to get to a healthy weight. I've been eating right for the first time in my life, and actually sticking with it. I do my Dance Dance Revolution for sweet dance moves-- not to mention the amazing power it has to burn all of those calories, get your blood pumpin', and often give you an excellent cardio workout. I would recommend it to anyone-- even your mom!!! Well, I really do have finals to get to studying for... wish me Luck! I'm gonna need it...

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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Cool Things...

Ok, so I haven't yet gotten around to the all-update and everything, but I just thought I'd post something cool real quick. Here's a bunch of cool things that you can feel free to comment on!

Sparkley Blue Ocean!

Brookie with Pirate Men!

Pirate Costumed Rubber Duckies!

Well, I suggest you knock yourself out until next time. Adios! :)


Thursday, March 22, 2007

I'm Still Alive!!

Hello, everyone! I've decided to make this quick post not only because I found this neat little count-down thingie, but to prove to you all that I'm still alive!!! I promise to make a more lengthy and up-to-date posting about what's been going on in my life thus far in the near future. At least within the next week or so.... I promise!!! (And if I forget, don't hesitate to remind me via email or text or calling me... whatever!) Anyways, this is a lovely little countdown to the best summer ever of our lives so far! It's gonna be awesome! Go Harry Potter!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I'm a Model!!

In an attempt to copy my good friend Michelle, I too created a nifty collage of my celebrity look-alikes. And just like Michelle found that she should be living in Japan, I realized I'm a model in hiding. You just don't know it.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

A Failed Attempt

Sorry guys, looks like the attempt to keep up with regular blogging has again failed miserably. I'm so sorry. Well, not really. But I do feel a little bad. Anyways, work is about to get insane, so I may not seen anyone until February rolls around. Well, see you later.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

A New Post

So I figured I'd officially try to keep up with this blogging thing once more now that all my mid-terms are over, which, by the way, went very well, thank you very much. :) Anyways, now that I'm here, I'm not sure what to make this new post about. I suppose I could make up some crazy story about how I missed my train stop and had to run around the University of Utah campus in the snow this morning... but then again, that already happened. So that's no good. Um.... How about... Snow in October? What is up with Mother Nature?! Honestly!

Oh, speaking of mothers... and femininity... and the Sacred Feminine... Guess who finally finished The DaVinci Code? That's right. Me. And yes, I really liked it. A good read and a fun one. It just took me a little while what with all this other reading I've been doing for all my super fun classes.... which is probably why I missed the Stadium Trax stop this morning. I was too busy reading. I was absorbed into my Gender Studies assigned reading of the experiences of a transexual man-- quite interesting actually. If you'd like to hear all about it, I'd suggest you sign up for the class. It's been quite a ride. My teacher in that class is really fun and spunky. She really reminds me of Dharma from Dharma and Greg-- just kind of loose and hippie-ish like that. So even though I'm not one hundred percent comfortable with some of the subjects that are assigned, she makes it fun because she is so excited and interested about it all. Plus there are some really dumb guys in that class that make really dumb comments. So I guess even though they are thoughtless and braindead, they at least serve somewhat as my entertainment. One kid even went so far as to accuse women for being repressed because, as he put it, we didn't try hard enough to learn stuff when it was available all along. Yeah, I don't know about you, but I'd rather sit and stare at stuff than improve my mind and intellect. I don't know why but there's this song in my head that simply will not leave. It's a really weird song sung by Imogen Heap called "Hide and Seek." It's really cool/weird sounding and I'm not really sure what the song is trying to tell me... what do you think?

where are we?
what the hell is going on?
the dust has only just begun to fall...
crop circles in the carpet
sinking, feeling

spin me 'round again
and rub my eyes,
this can't be happening
when busy streets a mess with people
would stop to hold their heads heavy

hide and seek
trains and sewing machines
all those years
they were here first

oily marks appear on walls
where pleasure moments hung before the take over,
the sweeping insensitivity of this still life

hide and seek
trains and sewing machines (you won't catch me around here)
blood and tears
they were here first

It continues on in this vague and odd manner, but it sounds really cool. I'll have to delve deeper into this mystery at some other occasion because it really is getting late and I'm pretty tired. Well, I hope everyone had a good day, and Michelle, I hope you didn't have too much fun at that Halloween party without me! Ciao!!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I'm a Sickie Poo!

A hoo! A hoo! A hoo!!

In case you haven't heard the news, I'm officially a Sickie Poo. It came suddenly on Sunday evening: a scratchy throat and a feeling of dismay. Monday morning was just too much to bear. I simply could not breathe, I couldn't stop tossing and turning in my sleep, my head felt swollen, and I sounded like a frog. I was sick. To make things better, I didn't wake up until about 10 am, which means that I missed both my classes for the day. Yay for me. I just wandered around the house, crying because I was all alone and I didn't have anyone there to take care of me and bring me water and medicines and such. I called in sick, which was nice because I got the opportunity to view my favoritest "The Little Mermaid" which I recently purchased from one Best Buy due to its re-release onto DVD format. I also watched some "Friends" episodes which put me to sleep. Then the best part of my day arrived: around eight, Scott brought me a dozen pink roses, cookies, and a Subway sandwich, made just the way I liked it. We then went to the local library for some browsing fun and then just went back to my house where we just talked until Mr. Nazi Pants asked him to leave at 10. This morning (Tuesday) I actually felt a lot better until I got to my classes... let's just say that as the day wore on, I felt worse and worse-- even to the point of staring blankly at a tile on the floor for 23 minutes of my Shakespeare class. I dragged myself into work this evening around 5, where I started training at Customer Service. So if you ever need to return something, you know where to go! They actually let me leave early (around 8:15), which means that I didn't have to close at all! I've pretty much wasted my entire extra hour or so by gossipping with Kendra about Bingham High School drama, and putting on twenty sweaters so I don't freeze to death. Oh yes, that's another one of my lovely symptoms: I'm colder than cold 24/7. So if you'd like to send me more cookies (since I've almost finished off this entire bag) or a sweater, feel free to do so whenever you like. Just do it before I'm dead. Well, have a great day!